desk yoga for home-workers in lockdown!
Hands up everyone who can’t put their hands up because they’ve been hunched over a badly balanced laptop for too long?!
I’ve had so many people send me messages asking for help with sore shoulders, bad backs, angry arms, and niggly necks over the last week, I figured there must be a bunch of you in the same creaking boat.
We’ve all got a whole load of stuff on our plates at the moment, but hopefully these stretches will help anyone who is suffering from Working-From-Home-Induced Wonkiness or Lockdown Lameness to at least ease one of your pains in the…..body.
You’re a sensible human, but let me remind you that if you’ve got anything that’s injured or something feeling really bad in your body - don’t push any of these stretches. Work carefully with your body in the condition that it is in today, here, now. If something doesn’t feel good; don’t do it.
Breathe. Move. Smile. And rest assured you can do all these moves in your pyjamas.
For upper body
During lockdown or quarantine or whatever you want to call it, we're all spending a lot more time sitting at home - either working without the right chair or desk, or slouching on the sofa.
Here are some simple stretches to ease aches and pains in neck, shoulders, and upper back. And you don't even need to leave your seat to do them!
Repeat these as often as you can throughout the day and hopefully they'll ease your body (and maybe even soothe your mind) a little bit.
For lower body
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but sitting down for long periods of time, hunching over laptops and grinding teeth at the prospect of yet another Zoom meeting can affect the whole body - right the way down to your toes.
Use these stretches to ease tightness in your back, hips, spine and sides.
Don’t forget to try and do these stretches at regular intervals during the day - little and often is always better than…umm….big and once.