Help your workforce feel wonderful!


Real Life Yoga is all about helping you to fit your yoga practice into and around your real life. But sometimes life just gets in the way. And sometimes life includes work.

So you know that old saying – “if you can’t get to the yoga, bring the yoga to you”, right?

Well, I can bring the yoga not only to you, but to your whole team of home-based heroes and heroines.

It could be an early morning session to set yourself up for hours of hunching over a precariously balanced laptop, a much nicer way to spend your lunchtime than doing the washing up, or some breathing and bending to soothe the day away. If you’ve got the space you can have the yoga!

What type of sessions do you offer?

Bending and breathing

These classes are all about moving, breathing, and combining the two to feel awesome. We’ll work through a series of yoga poses, usually building up to some simple flowing sequences, before doing the best bit of any yoga class: having a nice lie-down at the end. These classes are usually either 45 or 60 minutes in length.

Simple sitting and stretching

If your teams want to chill out rather than work-out, I offer chair-based sessions too. These are usually 30 minutes and use a combination of breathwork and simple stretches, most of which are done sitting down. If we’re feeling really adventurous we might stand up...but not too quickly.

Marvellous mindfulness

If folks feel like they have enough of the physical stuff and just want to learn something only for their minds, I offer 15 minute mindfulness sessions. The benefits of mindfulness have been scientifically proven to have a positive impact on mental wellbeing and resilience. Learning these potent sets of practical tools can help even the busiest of minds press the ‘pause’ button.


How does it work?

First of all I'll teach a free taster class (via our old friend Zoom). It's an opportunity for everyone to experience what the sessions would be like. Assuming that all goes swimmingly, I ask that you sign up for a 'term' of classes of between 4 and 10 weeks. This works much better than just offering drop-in sessions as the more often people come, (and they're more likely to come if they've committed in advance) the more they'll get out of the classes, and the sooner they'll start to feel happier and healthier as a result.

I not only give people a nurturing time away from their desks/kitchen tables/spare rooms, but to also equip them with practical tools that they can then use during the working day when things get a bit fraught! And, of course, the beauty is that the breath work and relaxation techniques can be subtly adapted to almost anywhere – queues in the supermarket; another Zoom meeting that could have just been an email; and even peeling the kids off the curtain rails for the third time that day.

Do we get anything exciting for free?

I’m so glad you asked. Obviously you’ll get the FREE TASTER SESSION, and the term of sessions that we agree, to BUT THERE’S MORE! As part of your package you’ll receive your own private password-protected section on my website where your teams can re-watch our sessions, so even if work gets in the way they don’t have to miss the opportunity to feel better! (Theses videos will be available until one month after your final session with me.)


Sounds interesting. What do I do now?

Get in touch today and we can have a chat about how together we can bring some wonderfulness into your home-based workplace.

Hang on a second – how much does this cost?

You are very wise to ask, lovely human. Obviously prices will vary depending on what you want and how long you want it for but as a starting point….

From £50 for yoga classes

From £40 for seated stretching classes

From £30 for marvellous mindfulness classes

Remind me what I do now…

Send me an email or give me a call on 07747 481688 and we can book in your free taster session.