The online yoga course with a bit of added ‘oomph’, ‘kapow’, and ‘zap’….

Get your cape. Pull your pants on over your leggings. Start your journey to yoga hero today!

Whether you’re getting back on your mat after falling off the yoga wagon, or putting an inflexible foot on the sticky mat for the first time, this is the perfect course for you.  

Every day, for 28 days, you’ll be virtually joining me at home for a practice that’s guaranteed to get you feeling fabulous.

Together we’ll breathe and move, as we build your strength, improve your flexibility, tame your mind, and get you grounded, so that you can tackle any challenges life flings your way.

Here I am! I’m gonna’ make you a hero….

Here I am! I’m gonna’ make you a hero….

For just £1 a day you geT:

  • Daily emails from me, containing a link to a video tutorial of that days practice; mostly it’s asana (the bendy stuff), and one day a week it’ll be mindfulness (sitting and trying to tame that pesky mind…) 

  • A print-at-home ‘Zero to Yoga Hero’ journal to help you track your daily practices, know how you’re progressing, get clear with your intentions, and see how far you’ve come.

  • Direct support from me via our own private online community. You, me, and the rest of the intrepid Yoga Heroes in Training, will have our own special space where everyone can share their triumphs and challenges PLUS connect directly to me to ask questions. I’ll be on there doing regular ‘lives’ so we can chat, celebrate or commiserate if you’re having a tough week!

  • Additional materials to keep you on track like links to interesting articles, inspiring videos and podcasts.

 I’ll be the Queen Hippolyta to your Wonder Woman; the Alfred to your Batman; the Swift Wind to your She-Ra; the Drax to your Gamora; the Lois to your Superman… supporting, motivating, encouraging and enabling you to tap into your very own superpowers.

Wanna see a sneak peak? of course you do!

Why is this different from all the other online yoga stuff out there?

An excellent question. Your enquiring hero powers are already strong. Here’s the thing – yes, there is a bunch of other online stuff out there. But with me by your side as you grow into a yoga hero, you’re getting so much more than just an online video to follow.

First of all you get access to ME! I’m genuinely here to help as much as I can. I’m always just an email away, and we can hang out regularly over on our online support space when I’ll be popping up regularly to do ‘lives’. So you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get direct coaching, support and advice from me.

You get the exclusive ‘Zero to Yoga Hero’ journal to print at home. It’s a simple but oh-so-powerful part of this process. Writing stuff down as you go through your journey helps you to stay on track in mind and body, and gives you a fabulous reminder about how far you’ve come when you get to the end.

AND you’re getting what every Hero in Training needs behind them - a whole online community of fellow Yoga Heroes in Training, who will be there to give you support, share your achievements, and give you a gentle kick in the hero pants (which you’ll be wearing over your leggings, obviously) when you need it.

How does it work?

Every day you’ll get an email from me. In that email will be a link to my website where you’ll find a password-protected page containing that day’s practice. Six days a week you’ll do asana (the bending stuff), one day a week you’ll do a mindfulness practice.


How many lessons are there?

You’ll follow the same practice for 3 days in a row so that we can really build on the basics and develop a practice rather than chopping and changing all the time and find we’re getting nowhere fast. However, each video will have a different introduction from me to remind you of the focus for that day, what you'll be working on etc.


It costs just £1 a day (so that’s £28 for the whole course, journal, online community, and resources - in case maths isn’t one of your superpowers) and you’ll have access to the course materials for the 28 days. OR pay just another £10 and get access to the whole course for a whopping six months.

when does it start?

You can start at any time you like. We’re ready. Are you?


Don’t want to go through your hero training alone? I hear you.

That’s why an important part of the experience is membership of our private online group. It’s optional, obviously (and I appreciate that the last thing many of us want is more time on social media….) but you’ll get to be part of an awesome community who are all with you at every step of the way.

Together we’ll celebrate, commiserate, congratulate….and unashamedly reach for the wine when Real Life gets in the way!

Here’s just some of the brilliant stuff that happened during our last hero training….

Feel like it’s time for a change?

Feel like you need to make friends with your body?

Feel like you’ve forgotten how to feel good?

Feel like there’s some awesomeness on the inside that needs to get out?